EDIA project. Guide for creators of open educational resources
Miguel Ángel Pereira Baz , Cristina Valdera López
These contents offer methodological, technical, and style indicators for EDIA Project creators and collaborators in
relationship with the creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) for the National Center for Curriculum
Development in Non-Proprietary Systems (Cedec). This guide is a new version of the Cedec Guide for the Creation of Open Educational Resources. It has been drafted
based upon the style guide for material development that is used by the Regional Government of Andalusia -
Department of Education - General Directorate for Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning - Lifelong Learning
- Escritor
- Miguel Ángel Pereira Baz
- Escritor
- Cristina Valdera López
- Materia
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del Profesorado (INTEF)
- 9788436959031
- 978-84-369-5903-1
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-2018
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