Revista de educación nº 399. January-March 2023
Artículos contenidos en esta revista: Academic determinants and motivations according to the gender of vocational training students ; CLIL lesson planning in Education student teachers: a case study ; Sexual orientation, self-esteem, and academic achievement during adolescence ; What can the teachings of the Tao classics contribute to western education? ; The teaching profession in European Union Education Policy ; Transitioning to adult life from a gender perspective: care leavers over 25 years of age ; Dishonest conduct and corrective measures. Business university student perspective ; Relationship between preference in teaching styles with participation in assessment and teaching styles that support basic psychological needs in Physical Education ;Comparison of multiple regression and artificial neural network performances in determining the order of importance of predictors in educational research
- Idioma
- Castellano
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200250613
- Páginas
- 263
- Edición
- 1
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A doble cara : PHE02