Project for the reform of the technical and vocational education. Proposal for the debate
The Project for the Reform of the Educational System
presented in June, 1987, as a 'Proposal for the debate" drew up
the broad outlines of a pattern concerning an overall transformation
of the educational system from pre-school to technical
and vocational educational branches, going, of course,
through primary and secondary education.
The book pointed out a diagnosis on the key problems
within the Spanish educational system. The surviving existence
of two diplomas at the end of EGB, and the insufficient
social valoration of vocational training as well as its limited
flexibility and lack of adaptation to the productive needs, stood
out in the summary contained in that text together with some of
the most serious obstacles to improve the efficiency of our
educational system.
- Materia
- Administración educativa
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Servicio de Publicaciones
- 9788436913795
- 978-84-369-1379-8
- Depósito legal
- M-5173-1988
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-1988
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