Revista de educación nº 380. April-Jun 2018
Articles oncluded in this issue:Form-focused Skill Training in EFL Speaking Pedagogy: Empirical Counterevidence to Trade-off Hypothesis ; Comparison of educational efficiency in Europe and Asia: TIMMS 2015 ; PISA 2015: Predictors of Science Performance in Spain ; The epistemic knowledge in the PISA 2015 evaluation of scientific competence ; Influence of family wealth on student reading performance in PISA ; Spanish high and low achievers in science in PISA 2015: Impact analysis of some contextual variables ; Education and inequality: a meta-synthesis after the 50th anniversary of the Coleman Report ;
The effect of project-based learning in gifted students of a second language
- Materia
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200103322
- Depósito legal
- M-57/1958
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-2018
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