Revista de educación nº 400. April - June 2023. Policy Building and Generation of Knowledge in Education

    Artículos contenidos en esta revista: Presentation: Policy building and generation of knowledge in education ; On the difficulties of incorporating international comparative evidence into educational policy making. Lessons that the education sector could learn from political science ; Evidence-based education. Scientific dangers and political advantages ; Strengthening research use in education policy: International landscape ; International Organizations and Evidence-based Education Policy: Their evident relation ; Radiography of a decade of Spanish educational scientific journals (2011 - 2020) ; Educational Practices and Teaching Styles in Twentiethcentury Spain. Reflections in the Revista de Educación ; Contribution of scientific journals to the construction of teacher training policies in Portugal; Federalism, School Reforms, and the Principle of Equality in Argentina ; Asymmetries of cross-national regulatory laws on Heritage Education ; Gender stereotypes and vocational variables in secondary education female students ; Development of graduates' transversal competences: the mobility program Galeuropa ; Teacher credibility and learner engagement in traditional and nontraditional education university students

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    • Castellano
    Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
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