Revista de Educación 401. July-September
Artículos contenidos en esta revista: Family perception of homework as a function of the responsible agent ; The paradox of learning to learn development: adapting a scale in secondary school students ; Challenges in teaching practices for the incorporation of sustainable development approach in Compulsory Secondary Education ; Investigating the efficacy of retrieval practice in university mathematics ; An alternative teaching and learning methodology at university to counter academic boredom ; Influence of Physical Education on physical activity levels in adolescence. A systematic review ; Differential factors in Vocational Education and Training itineraries: A longitudinal study ; Diet quality and academic performance in schoolchildren: the moderating role of weight status ; Mastery-Approach Goals in Secondary Education Students ; A quantitative SWOT analysis for Spanish education ; Factors influencing the development of reading competencies in Peruvian students in second-grade of secondary education ; A Bibliometric Review of Instructional Leadership Research: Science Mapping the Literature from 1974 to 2020
- Idioma
- Castellano
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200255328
- Páginas
- 328
- Ancho
- 17 cm
- Alto
- 24 cm
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 22-12-2023
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