Revista de educación nº 368. April-Jun 2015. Monograph: Critical Issues On Gifted Education And Talent Development
Articles included in this issue: From genes to talent: the DMGT/CMTD perspective ; Rethinking Giftedness: A Developmental Approach ; Tripartite Model of Giftedness and Best Practices in Gifted Assessment ; A Multi Criteria System for the Identification of High Achieving and Creative/Productive Giftedness ; Aurora Battery: A new assessment of successful intelligence ; Why Child Prodigies Are Important ; The Julian C. Stanley Study of Exceptional Talent: A Personalized Approach to Meeting the Needs of High Ability Students ; Flipped Learning model and the development of talent at school ; Differentiation in action: The Integrated Curriculum Model ; Why some gifted children are notably more successful in life than others with equal ability and opportunities ; Disagreements in working as a team: A case study of gifted science students.
- Materia
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200082184
- Depósito legal
- M.57/1958
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-2015
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