Revista de educación nº 382. October-December 2018
Articles oncluded in this issue: Diversity and sociocultural contents in textbooks for teaching Spanish as an L2 ; Dual vocational education and training -VET- Companies' motivations for VET in the Spanish automotive sector ; ICT in continuing teacher training in the Spanish context ; Which variables affect the quality of bilingual programmes the most? ; Assessment of the level of performance of tutoring in secondary education: tutors' own perceptions ; What does PISA tell us about the teaching and learning of
sciences? An approach through decision trees ; What happens when teachers use learning-centered
methods? Effects on learning approaches, on students' capacities and on their perception of learning environment ; An estimation of the level of competition between schools in the region of Madrid and an analysis of its effects on academic performance ; Analysis of performance and improvement in Reading and Writing in Preschool
- Materia
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200104558
- Depósito legal
- M.57/1958
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-2018
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