Revista de educación nº 402. October-December 2023
Artículos contenidos en esta revista: Family-school participation. Evaluation from the QFIS integral model ; Burnout, stress and resilience in the competitive examination process for educational corps ; Construct Validity of the Gifted Rating Scales (GRS 2) Parent Form in Spain ; Training in the Primary Education Teacher Degree in STEM disciplines: Analysis before its reform in Spain ; Effect of advanced high school major on mathematical performance at university: a comparative study in Business Administration degrees ; Community engagement: A bibliometric analysis in the university context ; Female Pedagogical Leadership in Latin American Schools ; Grade retention and its relationship with socioeconomic and educative variables in Spain ; Teachers’ perceptions of Reciprocal Peer Observation ; Analysis on access to the Spanish university system and its implications on the Medicine Degree
- Materia
- Idioma
- Castellano
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200256493
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 17-01-2024
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