Revista de Educación Nº 398. October - December 2022
Artículos contenidos en esta revista: Does skipping breakfast affect academic performance? Evidence from PISA : Determinants of academic achievement: systematic review of 25 years of metaanalyses ; The intelligence in the initial training of school counsellors. Learners’ perspectives ; Continuing full-time education beyond compulsory schooling ; Grants programme and tuition fees policy in the Spanish public university system: is it really effective? ; Noncognitive factors related to academic performance ; Classroom practices to promote critical thinking skills in the use of digital media ; Gender and regions in the vicious circle of school failure ; Interventions carried out to improve reading competence: a systematic review
- Materia
- Idioma
- English
- Editorial
- Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa
- 9789200148026
- Edición
- 1
- Fecha publicación
- 01-01-2022
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